Interactions between Hindus and Muslims sometimes involve conflicts fueled by those exploiting religion for personal and political gains. But the silent majority are different, for them, it doesn’t make sense fighting between religions. For them, practicing religions is personal, and doesn’t feel necessary to thwart other’s practices. 

 They understand the true essence of  all religions. Unfortunately, this normal mutual existence of religions often gets drowned out by the louder noisy voices of microscopic troublemakers.  We have rich examples of artists, writers, composers of Hindus and Muslims, enriching each other’s religious realms.

 Rahi Masoom Raza, a poet collaborated with Pandit Narendra Sharma in writing script of the famous Mahabharat TV serial. Mahabharat creates the Bhakti rasa  of the pious Hindus all over the world. Such collaborations underscore the deep-seated existing harmony between Hindus and Muslims.  Bengali poet Kazi Nazrul Islam, composed many Shyama sangeet for Hindus, yet he remained a pious muslim. There are many many such examples which points to the deep seated existing harmony between Hindus and Muslims. No self seekers can ever change this harmony.


I am Bhanu chakraborti, a leisurely retired person at my 70, earned many experiences of life --right or wrong, yet those are experience indeed. But in no way, shaky to tell my experiences to the world. Those may be funny, some may be ridiculous even, but I do not lose heart to tell the world my ' glorious ideas'--after all, in this big bad world, nobody is sure what is right, and what is wrong. What appears to be true today, may be proved wrong tomorrow. Many 'bad' ideas rejected, even punished, in the past, getting hallowed later. Some literary works ( LOLITA eg), banned in the author's life time but later awarded Noble prize. ... near at home, you must have seen cases rejected in a district court, later won in High court/ supreme court. ...... this gives me courage to speak my mind even those are ridiculous. Speaking my mind gives a relief, and an abundant supply of relaxation which perhaps no money can buy. But the joy derived from my speaking my mind and writing is multiplied many folds when I can share, more so, when I can discuss personally. But it is difficult to get people to share, many abhor. Too many are secured in their popular world of orthodox belief, fear the insecurity of unknown world. They live in their shell. But I have a few secured, nice of them, they encourage me, i am grateful to them, I extract some pleasur out of this. God bless them!!!